components  |  Chip Inductors  |  Switches  |  Relays  | 
Part NumberCategoryManufactureDescription
170M3118componentsCooper/BussmannFUSE 350A 690V 1KN/80 AR UC
P6KA13AHE3/54componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS 600W 13V 5% PAR DO214AC
170M4261componentsCooper/BussmannFUSE 350A 690V 1KN/110 AR UC
170M3268componentsCooper/BussmannFUSE 350A 690V 1KN/110 AR UC
P6SMB13CAHE3/52componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS 600W 13V 5% BIDIR SMB
170M3518componentsCooper/BussmannFUSE 350A 690V 1GN/50 AR UC
P6SMB13CA-E3/5BcomponentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS 600W 13V 5% BIDIR SMB
170M4561componentsCooper/BussmannFUSE 350A 690V 1GKN/50 AR UC
P6SMB13CA-E3/52componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS 600W 13V 5% BIDIR SMB
170M3568componentsCooper/BussmannFUSE 350A 690V 1GKN/50 AR UC
P6KE13CAHE3/73componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS 600W 13V 5% BIDIR AXIAL
170M4611componentsCooper/BussmannFUSE 350A 690V 1FU/90 AR UC
170M3618componentsCooper/BussmannFUSE 350A 690V 1FU/78 AR UC
170M4711componentsCooper/BussmannFUSE 350A 690V 1FU/115 AR UC
170M3718componentsCooper/BussmannFUSE 350A 690V 1FU/115 AR UC
170M4661componentsCooper/BussmannFUSE 350A 690V 1FKE/90 AR UC
170M3668componentsCooper/BussmannFUSE 350A 690V 1FKE/78 AR UC
170M4761componentsCooper/BussmannFUSE 350A 690V 1FKE/115 AR UC
170M3768componentsCooper/BussmannFUSE 350A 690V 1FKE/115 AR UC
170M4361componentsCooper/BussmannFUSE 350A 690V 1EK/86 AR UC
170M3368componentsCooper/BussmannFUSE 350A 690V 1EK/76 AR UC
170M4311componentsCooper/BussmannFUSE 350A 690V 1E/86
170M3318componentsCooper/BussmannFUSE 350A 690V 1E/76 AR UC
170M3418componentsCooper/BussmannFUSE 350A 690V 1BN/50 AR UC
170M4461componentsCooper/BussmannFUSE 350A 690V 1BKN/50 AR UC
170M3468componentsCooper/BussmannFUSE 350A 690V 1BKN/50 AR UC
170M4011componentsCooper/BussmannFUSE 350A 690V 1/80 AR UC
170M3018componentsCooper/BussmannFUSE 350A 690V 1/80 AR UC
170M4161componentsCooper/BussmannFUSE 350A 690V 1/110 AR UC
170M3168componentsCooper/BussmannFUSE 350A 690V 1/110 AR UC
170M2670componentsCooper/BussmannFUSE 350A 690V 00TN/80 AR UR
170M2770componentsCooper/BussmannFUSE 350A 690V 00BTN/60 AR
170M2620componentsCooper/BussmannFUSE 350A 690V 00/80 AR UR
KRP-CL-350componentsCooper/BussmannFUSE 350A 600V T-LAG
DFJ-350componentsCooper/BussmannFUSE 350A 600V FAST CLASS J
350P11CcomponentsCooper/BussmannFUSE 350A 600V CERAM BODY CSA
MOV-07D101KTRcomponentsBourns Inc.VARISTOR 100V 7MM RADIAL
MOV-07D101KcomponentsBourns Inc.VARISTOR 100V 7MM RADIAL
V100ZA3PcomponentsLittelfuse IncVARISTOR 100V 5J 7MM RADIAL ZA
V100ZA3componentsLittelfuse IncVARISTOR 100V 5J 7MM RADIAL ZA
V100ZS3PcomponentsLittelfuse IncVARISTOR 100V 5J 7MM RADIAL T/R
V100ZS3componentsLittelfuse IncVARISTOR 100V 5J 7MM RADIAL T/R
V100ZT3PcomponentsLittelfuse IncVARISTOR 100V 5J 7MM CRIMPED T/R
V100ZS15PcomponentsLittelfuse IncVARISTOR 100V 20J 14MM RADL T/R
V100ZS15componentsLittelfuse IncVARISTOR 100V 20J 14MM RADL T/R
V100ZA15PcomponentsLittelfuse IncVARISTOR 100V 20J 14MM RADIAL ZA
V100ZA15componentsLittelfuse IncVARISTOR 100V 20J 14MM RADIAL ZA
V100ZT15PcomponentsLittelfuse IncVARISTOR 100V 20J 14MM CRMPD T/R
V100ZT15componentsLittelfuse IncVARISTOR 100V 20J 14MM CRMPD T/R
V100ZC15PcomponentsLittelfuse IncVARISTOR 100V 20J 14MM CRMP/TRIM
V100ZC15componentsLittelfuse IncVARISTOR 100V 20J 14MM CRMP/TRIM
V100ZS05PcomponentsLittelfuse IncVARISTOR 100V 2.5J 5MM RADL T/R
V100ZS05componentsLittelfuse IncVARISTOR 100V 2.5J 5MM RADL T/R
V100ZA05PcomponentsLittelfuse IncVARISTOR 100V 2.5J 5MM RADIAL ZA
V100ZA05componentsLittelfuse IncVARISTOR 100V 2.5J 5MM RADIAL ZA
V100ZT05PcomponentsLittelfuse IncVARISTOR 100V 2.5J 5MM CRMPD T/R
V100ZT05componentsLittelfuse IncVARISTOR 100V 2.5J 5MM CRMPD T/R
V100MA4BcomponentsLittelfuse IncVARISTOR 100V 1MA .45J 3MM AXIAL
V100MA4AcomponentsLittelfuse IncVARISTOR 100V 1MA .40J 3MM AXIAL
BK/S505-V-12-RcomponentsCooper/BussmannFUSE 12A 250V T-LAG CERAM AXL
BK/S505-12-RcomponentsCooper/BussmannFUSE 12A 250V T-LAG CERAM
MDA-V-12-RcomponentsCooper/BussmannFUSE 12A 250V T-LAG CER AXL
BK1/MDA-12-RcomponentsCooper/BussmannFUSE 12A 250V T-LAG CER
FNW-12componentsCooper/BussmannFUSE 12A 250V T-LAG 13/32X1-1/2"
GSA 12-RcomponentsBel Fuse IncFUSE 12A 250V SLOW UL CERM
GSA 12componentsBel Fuse IncFUSE 12A 250V SLOW CERAMIC GSA
GSAP 12componentsBel Fuse IncFUSE 12A 250V SLOW AXIAL GSAP
0325012.HcomponentsLittelfuse IncFUSE 12A 250V SLO 3AB AXIAL
ABC-V-12-RcomponentsCooper/BussmannFUSE 12A 250V FST CERAM AXL UL
BK/S500-12-RcomponentsCooper/BussmannFUSE 12A 250V FAST GLASS S500
3AG 12-RcomponentsBel Fuse IncFUSE 12A 250V FAST GLASS 3AG
BK/GDB-12AcomponentsCooper/BussmannFUSE 12A 250V FAST GDB GLASS
BK/ABC-V-12-RcomponentsCooper/BussmannFUSE 12A 250V FAST CERM AXIAL
BK/ABC-V-12componentsCooper/BussmannFUSE 12A 250V FAST CERM AXIAL
3AB 12-RcomponentsBel Fuse IncFUSE 12A 250V FAST CERM 3AB
ABC-12-RcomponentsCooper/BussmannFUSE 12A 250V FAST CERAMIC UL
5HFP 12-RcomponentsBel Fuse IncFUSE 12A 250V FAST CERAMIC 5HF
BK1/ABC-12-RcomponentsCooper/BussmannFUSE 12A 250V FAST CER UL
GBB-V-12-RcomponentsCooper/BussmannFUSE 12A 250V FAST CER AXIAL
GBB-12-RcomponentsCooper/BussmannFUSE 12A 250V FAST CER
3ABP 12-RcomponentsBel Fuse IncFUSE 12A 250V FAST AXL 3AB
0399012.McomponentsLittelfuse IncFUSE 12A 250V FAST 3AB SILVR MIL
0394012.McomponentsLittelfuse IncFUSE 12A 250V FAST 3AB NICKL MIL
0324012.HcomponentsLittelfuse IncFUSE 12A 250V FAST 3AB AXIAL
BK/ABC-12NRcomponentsCooper/BussmannFUSE 12A 250V CER FST
0215012.M-componentsLittelfuse IncFUSE 12A 250V 5X20MM SLOBLO CART
0215012.MXE-componentsLittelfuse IncFUSE 12A 250V 5X20MM SLO-BLO AXL
12LETcomponentsCooper/BussmannFUSE 12A 240V TYPE T BRITISH
12LCTcomponentsCooper/BussmannFUSE 12A 240V TYPE T BRITISH
FWS-12A20FIcomponentsCooper/BussmannFUSE 12A 1400V HS FERRULE W/IND
FWS-12A20FcomponentsCooper/BussmannFUSE 12A 1400V HS FERRULE
FNM-12componentsCooper/BussmannFUSE 12A 125VAC T-LAG FNM
3SB 12componentsBel Fuse IncFUSE 12A 125V SLOW GLASS 3SB
3SBP 12-RcomponentsBel Fuse IncFUSE 12A 125V SLOW 3AG AXIAL
3SBP 12componentsBel Fuse IncFUSE 12A 125V SLOW 3AG AXIAL
0448012.MRcomponentsLittelfuse IncFUSE 12A 125V FAST NANO2 SMD
3AG 12componentsBel Fuse IncFUSE 12A 125V FAST GLASS 3AG
BK1/MCRW12AcomponentsCooper/BussmannFUSE 12A 125V FAST AXL UL CSA
MQ 12TRcomponentsBel Fuse IncFUSE 12A 125V FAST AXL T/R MQ
MQ 12componentsBel Fuse IncFUSE 12A 125V FAST AXL BULK MQ
3AP 12-RcomponentsBel Fuse IncFUSE 12A 125V FAST AXL 3AP
TR1/MCRW12AcomponentsCooper/BussmannFUSE 12A 125V FAST AXIAL MCRW
3AP 12componentsBel Fuse IncFUSE 12A 125V FAST AXIAL 3AP
BDTSF6componentsCooper/BussmannTERMINAL SHROUDS 600/800A 600V
BDTSF4componentsCooper/BussmannTERMINAL SHROUDS 400A 600V
BDTSF2componentsCooper/BussmannTERMINAL SHROUDS 200A 600V
SMA5J36C-E3/5AcomponentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS BIDIR 500W 36V 10% SMA
SA36CHE3/73componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS BIDIR 500W 36V 10% AXIAL
SA36CHE3/54componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS BIDIR 500W 36V 10% AXIAL
SA36C-E3/73componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS BIDIR 500W 36V 10% AXIAL
SA36C-E3/54componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS BIDIR 500W 36V 10% AXIAL
SMA5J33CAHE3/61componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS BIDIR 500W 33V 5% SMA
SMA5J33CA-E3/61componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS BIDIR 500W 33V 5% SMA
SMA5J33CA-E3/5AcomponentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS BIDIR 500W 33V 5% SMA
SA33CAHE3/73componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS BIDIR 500W 33V 5% AXIAL
SA33CAHE3/54componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS BIDIR 500W 33V 5% AXIAL
SA33CA-E3/73componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS BIDIR 500W 33V 5% AXIAL
SA33CA-E3/54componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS BIDIR 500W 33V 5% AXIAL
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SMA5J33CHE3/5AcomponentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS BIDIR 500W 33V 10% SMA
SMA5J33C-E3/61componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS BIDIR 500W 33V 10% SMA
SMA5J33C-E3/5AcomponentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS BIDIR 500W 33V 10% SMA
SA33CHE3/54componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS BIDIR 500W 33V 10% AXIAL
SA33C-E3/73componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS BIDIR 500W 33V 10% AXIAL
SA33C-E3/54componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS BIDIR 500W 33V 10% AXIAL
SMA5J30CAHE3/61componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS BIDIR 500W 30V 5% SMA
SMA5J30CAHE3/5AcomponentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS BIDIR 500W 30V 5% SMA
SMA5J30CA-E3/61componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS BIDIR 500W 30V 5% SMA
SMA5J30CA-E3/5AcomponentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS BIDIR 500W 30V 5% SMA
SA30CAHE3/73componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS BIDIR 500W 30V 5% AXIAL
SA30CAHE3/54componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS BIDIR 500W 30V 5% AXIAL
SA30CA-E3/73componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS BIDIR 500W 30V 5% AXIAL
SA30CA-E3/54componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS BIDIR 500W 30V 5% AXIAL
SMA5J30CHE3/61componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS BIDIR 500W 30V 10% SMA
SMA5J30CHE3/5AcomponentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS BIDIR 500W 30V 10% SMA
SMA5J30C-E3/61componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS BIDIR 500W 30V 10% SMA
SA30CHE3/73componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS BIDIR 500W 30V 10% AXIAL
SA30CHE3/54componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS BIDIR 500W 30V 10% AXIAL
SA30C-E3/73componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS BIDIR 500W 30V 10% AXIAL
SMBJ130A-E3/5BcomponentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS UNIDIR 600W 130V 5% SMB
SA30C-E3/54componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS BIDIR 500W 30V 10% AXIAL
SMBG130AHE3/52componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS UNIDIR 600W 130V 5% SMB
SMBG130A-E3/5BcomponentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS UNIDIR 600W 130V 5% SMB
SMA5J28CAHE3/5AcomponentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS BIDIR 500W 28V 5% SMA
SMBG130A-E3/52componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS UNIDIR 600W 130V 5% SMB
SMA5J28CA-E3/61componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS BIDIR 500W 28V 5% SMA
SMA5J28CA-E3/5AcomponentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS BIDIR 500W 28V 5% SMA
NS6A12AT3GcomponentsON SemiconductorTVS UNIDIR 600W 12V SMA
P6KE12AcomponentsFairchild SemiconductorTVS UNIDIR 600W 12V DO-15
SA28CAHE3/73componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS BIDIR 500W 28V 5% AXIAL
SMBJ12AHE3/5BcomponentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS UNIDIR 600W 12V 5% SMB
SA28CAHE3/54componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS BIDIR 500W 28V 5% AXIAL
SMBJ12AHE3/52componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS UNIDIR 600W 12V 5% SMB
SA28CA-E3/73componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS BIDIR 500W 28V 5% AXIAL
SA28CA-E3/54componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS BIDIR 500W 28V 5% AXIAL
SMBJ12A-E3/5BcomponentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS UNIDIR 600W 12V 5% SMB
SMA5J28CHE3/61componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS BIDIR 500W 28V 10% SMA
SMBG12AHE3/5BcomponentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS UNIDIR 600W 12V 5% SMB
SMA5J28CHE3/5AcomponentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS BIDIR 500W 28V 10% SMA
SMBG12AHE3/52componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS UNIDIR 600W 12V 5% SMB
SMBG12A-E3/5BcomponentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS UNIDIR 600W 12V 5% SMB
SMA5J28C-E3/5AcomponentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS BIDIR 500W 28V 10% SMA
SMBG12A-E3/52componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS UNIDIR 600W 12V 5% SMB
SA28CHE3/73componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS BIDIR 500W 28V 10% AXIAL
SM6T12AHE3/52componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS UNIDIR 600W 12V 5% SMB
SM6T12A-E3/5BcomponentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS UNIDIR 600W 12V 5% SMB
SM6T12A-E3/52componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS UNIDIR 600W 12V 5% SMB
SMA6J12A-E3/61componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS UNIDIR 600W 12V 5% SMA
SMA6J12A-E3/5AcomponentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS UNIDIR 600W 12V 5% SMA
SMBJ12HE3/5BcomponentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS UNIDIR 600W 12V 10% SMB
SMBJ12HE3/52componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS UNIDIR 600W 12V 10% SMB
SMBJ12-E3/5BcomponentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS UNIDIR 600W 12V 10% SMB
SMBG12HE3/5BcomponentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS UNIDIR 600W 12V 10% SMB
SMBG12HE3/52componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS UNIDIR 600W 12V 10% SMB
SMBG12-E3/5BcomponentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS UNIDIR 600W 12V 10% SMB
SMBG12-E3/52componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS UNIDIR 600W 12V 10% SMB
P6KE120AcomponentsFairchild SemiconductorTVS UNIDIR 600W 120V DO-15
SMBJ120AHE3/5BcomponentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS UNIDIR 600W 120V 5% SMB
SMBJ120AHE3/52componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS UNIDIR 600W 120V 5% SMB
SMBG120AHE3/5BcomponentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS UNIDIR 600W 120V 5% SMB
SMBG120AHE3/52componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS UNIDIR 600W 120V 5% SMB
SMBG120A-E3/5BcomponentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS UNIDIR 600W 120V 5% SMB
SMBG120A-E3/52componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS UNIDIR 600W 120V 5% SMB
SMBJ120HE3/52componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS UNIDIR 600W 120V 10% SMB
SMBJ120-E3/5BcomponentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS UNIDIR 600W 120V 10% SMB
P6KE11AcomponentsFairchild SemiconductorTVS UNIDIR 600W 11V DO-15
SMBJ11AHE3/5BcomponentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS UNIDIR 600W 11V 5% SMB
SMBJ11AHE3/52componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS UNIDIR 600W 11V 5% SMB
SMBJ11A-E3/5BcomponentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS UNIDIR 600W 11V 5% SMB
SMBG11AHE3/5BcomponentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS UNIDIR 600W 11V 5% SMB
SMBG11AHE3/52componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS UNIDIR 600W 11V 5% SMB
SMBG11A-E3/5BcomponentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS UNIDIR 600W 11V 5% SMB
SMBG11A-E3/52componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS UNIDIR 600W 11V 5% SMB
SMA6J11A-E3/61componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS UNIDIR 600W 11V 5% SMA
SMA6J11A-E3/5AcomponentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS UNIDIR 600W 11V 5% SMA
AGC-2/10-RcomponentsCooper/BussmannFUSE 2/10A 250V GLASS FST UL
AGC-V-2/10-RcomponentsCooper/BussmannFUSE 2/10A 250V GLASS FST AXIAL
BK/AGC-V-2/10-RcomponentsCooper/BussmannFUSE 2/10A 250V FAST GLASS AXIAL
BK/AGC-2/10-RcomponentsCooper/BussmannFUSE 2/10A 250V FAST AGC GLASS
BK/AGC-2/10componentsCooper/BussmannFUSE 2/10A 250V FAST AGC GLASS
059302.8UXScomponentsLittelfuse IncFUSE 2.8A SLO MIDGET SILVER MIL
059302.8UcomponentsLittelfuse IncFUSE 2.8A SLO MIDGET NICKEL MIL
039002.8McomponentsLittelfuse IncFUSE 2.8A SLO 3AB NICKEL MIL
FNQ-R-2-8/10componentsCooper/BussmannFUSE 2.8A 600V TLAG UL CSA
039802.8McomponentsLittelfuse IncFUSE 2.8A 250V SLO 3AG SILVR MIL
039302.8McomponentsLittelfuse IncFUSE 2.8A 250V SLO 3AG NICKL MIL
039502.8McomponentsLittelfuse IncFUSE 2.8A 250V SLO 3AB SILVR MIL
032502.8HcomponentsLittelfuse IncFUSE 2.8A 250V SLO 3AB AXIAL
031502.8HcomponentsLittelfuse IncFUSE 2.8A 250V 3AG SLO-BLO
032602.8HcomponentsLittelfuse IncFUSE 2.8A 250V 3AB CERM SLO-BLO
031302.8HcomponentsLittelfuse IncFUSE 2.800A/250V 3AG SLO-BLO
021802.5H-componentsLittelfuse IncFUSE 2.5A/250V 5X20MM SLO-BLO
021702.5H-componentsLittelfuse IncFUSE 2.5A/250V 5X20MM FAST ACT
031502.5HcomponentsLittelfuse IncFUSE 2.5A/250V 3AG SLO-BLO AXIAL
031802.5HcomponentsLittelfuse IncFUSE 2.5A/250V 3AG FASTACT AXIAL
032602.5HcomponentsLittelfuse IncFUSE 2.5A/250V 3AB SLO-BLO CERM
023002.5HXWcomponentsLittelfuse IncFUSE 2.5A/250V 2AG SLO-BLO AXIAL
022902.5HcomponentsLittelfuse IncFUSE 2.5A/250V 2AG SLO-BLO
022502.5HcomponentsLittelfuse IncFUSE 2.5A/250V 2AG FAST ACTING
025102.5M-componentsLittelfuse IncFUSE 2.5A/125V PICO FAST AXIAL
066402.5HXSLcomponentsLittelfuse IncFUSE 2.5A TLAG HI BRK SHRT LT-5
066402.5ZRLLcomponentsLittelfuse IncFUSE 2.5A TLAG HI BRK LT-5 T/R
066402.5HXLLcomponentsLittelfuse IncFUSE 2.5A TLAG HI BRK LONG LT-5
MRT 2.5componentsBel Fuse IncFUSE 2.5A T-LAG IEC SHORT MRT
SS-5-2.5A-BKcomponentsCooper/BussmannFUSE 2.5A T-LAG IEC SHORT
SR-5H-2.5A-BKcomponentsCooper/BussmannFUSE 2.5A T-LAG IEC SHORT
RST 2.5componentsBel Fuse IncFUSE 2.5A T-LAG IEC BULK RST
RST 2.5AMMOcomponentsBel Fuse IncFUSE 2.5A T-LAG IEC AMMO RST
MRT 2.5AMMOcomponentsBel Fuse IncFUSE 2.5A T-LAG IEC AMMO MRT
SS-5-2.5A-APcomponentsCooper/BussmannFUSE 2.5A T-LAG IEC AMMO
SR-5H-2.5A-APcomponentsCooper/BussmannFUSE 2.5A T-LAG IEC AMMO
066502.5HXSLcomponentsLittelfuse IncFUSE 2.5A T LAG SHORT LT-5 UL
066502.5ZRLLcomponentsLittelfuse IncFUSE 2.5A T LAG LT-5 UL T/R
066502.5HXLLcomponentsLittelfuse IncFUSE 2.5A T LAG LONG LT-5 UL
066302.5HXSLcomponentsLittelfuse IncFUSE 2.5A T LAG 250V SHORT LT-5
066302.5ZRLLcomponentsLittelfuse IncFUSE 2.5A T LAG 250V LT-5 T/R
066302.5HXLLcomponentsLittelfuse IncFUSE 2.5A T LAG 250V LONG LT-5
066302.5MALLcomponentsLittelfuse IncFUSE 2.5A T LAG 250V AMMO LT-5
5TTP 2.5-RcomponentsBel Fuse IncFUSE 2.5A SLOW UL GLAS AXL
GSAP 2.5-RcomponentsBel Fuse IncFUSE 2.5A SLOW UL CERM AXL
5KP24AHE3/73componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS 5KW UNIDIR 24V 5% P600
5KP24AHE3/54componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS 5KW UNIDIR 24V 5% P600
5KP24A-E3/73componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS 5KW UNIDIR 24V 5% P600
5KP24A-E3/54componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS 5KW UNIDIR 24V 5% P600
5KP24HE3/73componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS 5KW UNIDIR 24V 10% P600
5KP24HE3/54componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS 5KW UNIDIR 24V 10% P600
5KP24-E3/73componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS 5KW UNIDIR 24V 10% P600
5KP24-E3/54componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS 5KW UNIDIR 24V 10% P600
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5KP22AHE3/54componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS 5KW UNIDIR 22V 5% P600
5KP22A-E3/73componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS 5KW UNIDIR 22V 5% P600
5KP22A-E3/54componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS 5KW UNIDIR 22V 5% P600
5KP22HE3/73componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS 5KW UNIDIR 22V 10% P600
5KP22HE3/54componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS 5KW UNIDIR 22V 10% P600
5KP22-E3/73componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS 5KW UNIDIR 22V 10% P600
5KP22-E3/54componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS 5KW UNIDIR 22V 10% P600
5KP20AHE3/73componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS 5KW UNIDIR 20V 5% P600
5KP20AHE3/54componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS 5KW UNIDIR 20V 5% P600
5KP20A-E3/54componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS 5KW UNIDIR 20V 5% P600
5KP20HE3/73componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS 5KW UNIDIR 20V 10% P600
5KP20HE3/54componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS 5KW UNIDIR 20V 10% P600
5KP20-E3/73componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS 5KW UNIDIR 20V 10% P600
5KP20-E3/54componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS 5KW UNIDIR 20V 10% P600
5KP18AHE3/73componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS 5KW UNIDIR 18V 5% P600
5KP18AHE3/54componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS 5KW UNIDIR 18V 5% P600
5KP18A-E3/73componentsVishay/General SemiconductorTVS 5KW UNIDIR 18V 5% P600
P1701UALTPcomponentsLittelfuse / Teccor Sidactor(R) ProductSIDAC SLIC UNI 160V 50A MS013
P1701UALRPcomponentsLittelfuse / Teccor Sidactor(R) ProductSIDAC SLIC UNI 160V 50A MS013
P1301CA2RPcomponentsLittelfuse / Teccor Sidactor(R) ProductSIDAC SLIC UNI 120V 50A DO214
P1301CA2LRPcomponentsLittelfuse / Teccor Sidactor(R) ProductSIDAC SLIC UNI 120V 50A DO214
P1701UCLTPcomponentsLittelfuse / Teccor Sidactor(R) ProductSIDAC SLIC SYM 160V 500A MS013
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