Hard Find Electronics Ltd.
315,Shahe Rod,Long Gang Distict,Shenzhen,CN,518000 Ph:+86-755-8418 8103, Fx:+86-755-8418 8303 Email:[email protected] Sister Company: Hard Find Electronics Tech Limited
According to CPI, this will provide equipment for the integration of electronic devices including a reel-to-reel RFID inlay production line and smart label converting line. The latter facility is expected to convert RFID inlays into smart labels at 60m/min. It says potential products could include printed electronic biosensors or packaging with embedded printed sensors.
John Cocker, director of printable electronics at CPI, said: “Many challenges remain in being able to integrate conventional and/or novel components into the devices that will unlock the value of the IoT. The Emerging Electronics Manufacturing Centre is focussed on addressing these challenges and helping its clients and partners to engage successfully in this exciting new opportunity”.