In this Jan. 12, 2017, photo, the Navya Arma autonomous vehicle drives down a street in Las Vegas. The driverless electric shuttle has begun carrying passengers in a test program in a downtown Las Vegas entertainment district. (AP Photo/John Locher) There's a new thrill on the streets of downtown Las Vegas.
High and low rollers alike can climb aboard what officials say is the first driverless electric shuttle operating on a public U.S. street.
The oval-shaped shuttle that carries 12 people began a 10-day, free pilot program Tuesday along Fremont Street in the downtown entertainment district.
Mayor Carolyn Goodman was among the first public officials to hop a ride on the vehicle developed by the French company Navya.
The company has shuttles in use in other countries, and one is being tested at a University of Michigan research site.
It uses GPS and electronic sensors that company spokesman Martin Higgins says will stop it if a person or dog runs in front.
In this Jan. 12, 2017, photo, the Navya Arma autonomous vehicle drives down a street in Las Vegas. The driverless electric shuttle has begun carrying passengers in a test program in a downtown Las Vegas entertainment district. (AP Photo/John Locher)
Explore further: NAVYA Self-driving shuttle goes to work in Las Vegas