ZigBee promotes dotdot as ‘universal language’ for the IoT

“dotdot represents the next chapter in the ZigBee Alliance’s continued commitment to create and evolve open standards for the smart networks in our homes, businesses and neighbourhoods,” said Tobin Richardson, the Alliance’s president and CEO.

The approach is said to provide a common language between all IoT devices on any network. dotdot is said to enable the application layer at the heart of ZigBee to be used across other IoT networks. It is said to offer developers more flexibility and speed in getting to market and to give users more freedom than single vendor ecosystems.

“As customers look to grow into new markets, there has been a strong demand to use the ZigBee application layer on other networks," said Skip Ashton, VP software with Silicon Labs. “We’ve seen a significant increase in adoption of ZigBee because developers now know their investment in the market today will expand into new markets with dotdot. We’re excited to be participating in its development and to support customers looking to build with ZigBee and dotdot.”