Open source platform offered for photonics IC design

MANHASSET, NY -- Ghent University and research center imechave launched IPKiss, an open source software platform for parametric design ofphotonic integrated components and circuits.

The software platform is made available by means of a freeGPLv2-licensed code base, a custom developer license and a custom commerciallicense.

IPKiss enables a designer to define photonic components,directly simulate them in electromagnetic solvers and integrate them in acircuit on a photomask for fabrication. IPKiss can be integrated with popular third-party simulators.

IPKiss is a generic and flexible framework which can becustomized for use in other domains related to microfluidics, plasmonics, MEMS,etc.

Based on scripting in Python the software allows the user tospecify in an analytical manner how a component is represented in terms ofparameters. Internally, the component knows how to generate its layout, as wellas its input/output connections with other components and its internal circuitrepresentations.

Design kits for imec's silicon photonics technologies aremade available through ePIXfab, a European foundry service for SiliconPhotonics prototyping and through imec directly for customized photonic ICdevelopment.

IPKiss is being launched at SPIE Photonics Europe 2012,Tuesday, April 17.

This story was originally posted by EETimes.
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