SANTA CLARA, Calif.--Cultural complacency and "uncomplaining"engineers are stunting EDA tool investment and preventing ICcompanies from keeping up with quickening design complexity, asenior engineering manager at chip vendor Nvidia Corp. said Tuesday (Jan. 29).
"Engineers don't complain enough," said Jonah Alben, Nivida's senior vice president of engineering, said during a keynote address at the DesignCon conference here.
"Engineers like myself tend to ultimately figure out a way to livewith whatever environment they're put into," he said. "They don'tspeak up when everyone else is speaking up in the company about whatwe want to see in the next-generation product."
That, combined with "cultural complacency"--struggling to navigate newdaily challenges and manage priorities--usually prompts companies totamp investment in EDA tools while under-staffing theirmethodology-development teams.