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Synopsys launches verification IP community website

SAN FRANCISCO—EDA and IP vendor Synopsys Inc. Wednesday (Aug. 8) launched a community website focused on system-on-chip (SoC) verification engineers and users of verification IP (VIP).

According to Synopsys (Mountain View, Calif.), the site,, provides a centralized online resource of relevant forums and blogs focused on verification of industry-standard protocols. also provides a centralized online resource of relevant forums and blogs focusing on verification of today's industry-standard protocols, according to the company.

"As each new SoC adds the next generations of different IP blocks, IP subsystems and frequent releases of new protocols, SoC companies are required to quickly ramp their verification teams to embrace these changes," said Rich Wawrzyniak, senior market analyst for ASIC and SoC at Semico Research Inc., in a statement issued by Synopsys. "The launch of as a technical resource for protocol-based verification will improve ramp times, act as a repository of knowledge and expertise for designers, and also enable the verification IP experts in the industry to share their best practices with the verification community."

Janick Bergeron, verification Fellow at Synopsys, said the new site represents an important milestone for the verification IP user community. "As protocols become more intricate and SoC verification complexity continues to grow, offers a community-driven portal to share the learning from our successful customer VIP engagements, and enable exchange of ideas with other VIP experts, users and the entire SoC verification community."