Arrow to deliver Micropelt’s thermoharvesting power module

PARIS – Arrow Electronics and Micropelt said they have concluded an agreement to deliver Micropelt’s range of thermoelectric energy-harvesting semiconductor devices and systems throughout Europe.

Based in Germany, Micropelt develops thermoelectric components such as Peltier coolers and thermogenerators.

Micropelt claimed its thermoelectric Peltier coolers (TECs) provide high-power densities and fast response times in scalable millimeter sized chips and are suitable for thermal management solutions.

Thermogenerators are current sources which convert heat (temperature differences) into electrical energy. The thermogenerator consists of leg pairs of n- and p-type material. Each leg pair generates a certain voltage. An overview of Micropelt thermogenerator products can be found here.

TE-CORE, Micropelt′s new configurable energy harvesting DC source, offers battery alternative. The thermoharvesting power module is built around the new SMD thermogenerator in package (TGP).