Tek says low cost VNA launch is 'disruptive'


The device is targeted at budget conscious markets, including IoT design and education. In IoT, VNAs are needed to match radios to antennas, while in the education sector, the high cost of VNAs means students get little or no hands-on time with such devices.

“The TTR500 Series achieves the same level of performance as a benchtop VNA, but at 40% lower cost and 15% of the size and weight of comparable units,” said Jim McGillivary, general manager of RF and component solutions. “This architecture also reduces the number of components in the instrument, which reduces complexity for better reliability.”

The TTR500 series offers a full two port, two path S-parameter VNA for such applications as measuring passive/active components, antennas and matching networks. With a frequency range from 100kHz to 6GHz and less than 0.008dB trace noise, the part has an output power ranging from -50 to 7dBm. An integral bias tee allows for active devices to be DC biased.

Designed to work with Windows based PCs or laptops, the instrument is controlled and calibrated with VectorVu-PC software.

The TTR500 series is available with a range of accessories, including rack mount kits, phase-stable cables and calibration kits.