PARIS -- Australian Semiconductor Technology Co (ASTC PtyLtd) and Tanner EDA (Monrovia, Calif) announced they have concluded acollaborative agreement to deliver analog/mixed signal IP and custom ASICdesign services.
ATSC said it has invested in IP enablement andinfrastructure readiness with Tanner EDA tools and flows to provide low costanalog/mixed signal ASIC design services and solutions to its global ASICcustomers.
In a discussion with
EETimes, John S Zuk, vice president, marketing and business strategy, TannerEDA, specified that ASTC teams will be utilizing the complete Tanner EDA toolsuite -- matching the appropriate tool set to the design requirements. Henoted: "The tool flow being utilized in our seminal project is HiPer SiliconA/MS -- Tanner EDA's full flow analog and mixed signal design suite. Weanticipate additional opportunities to leverage Tanner EDA's MEMS tools, aswell."
Tanner EDA HiPer Silicon
HiPer Silicon A/MS is a cohesive A/MS flow that bridgesanalog and digital verification and adds synthesis, static timing, and placeand route.Zuk explained that ASTC considered several EDA tool vendorsbut selected Tanner EDA for various reasons: Comprehensive and cohesive toolsuite that focuses on analog, mixed-signal and MEMS; price-performance and mixof licensing options that meet the needs of their diverse project requirements;and Tanner's commitment and attention to customer service.
"Tanner EDA tools, flows and partnership enable theASTC A/MS Design Services operation to offer new, lower cost, design solutionsto a new range of global customers and ASIC segments," Jay Yantchev, CEOof ASTC, said in a statement. "Previously cost-prohibitive A/MS ASICproduct ideas have now become feasible and profitable propositions both for ourcustomers and for ASTC A/MS design services."
Zuk confirmed that this is the first collaboration betweenTanner EDA and ASTC but, he said, "[it's] already off to a strong start!"
ASTC is a semiconductor design, software, and servicescompany serving the global suppliers and customers of embedded semiconductors.ASTC commenced operations in March 2006 and employs around 100 staff worldwidewith headquarters in Adelaide, an engineering center in the Chicago area, anoffice in Austin, Texas, and in Japan.
In 2011, ASTC spun out a new company VWorks that intends toprovide new technology and business solutions for electronic system level (ESL)development, modeling, simulation, and virtual prototyping to customers in theindustries for aerospace, automotive, transportation, communications, andmultimedia embedded electronics and software.
VWorks has a family of products that include VLAB, theirprimary design platform, Genesis a tool for model creation and OSCAR, a builtfrom the ground up OSCI compliant simulator that they claim can do more and runfaster than the reference implementation used by most suppliers of SystemC.
VWorks said it willdemonstrate how virtual prototyping can accelerate embedded software andsystems development at the Design Automation Conference (DAC) 2012, in the ARMCommunity booth.
This story was originally posted by EETimes.