Dialog licenses Cortex

LONDON -- Dialog Semiconductor plc has licensed theCortex-M0 microcontroller core from ARM Holdings plc for use in futuremixed-signal power management ICs. Resulting chips are likely to be used inquad-core and more advanced handsets the company said.

This is the first time a standard 32-bit processor core hasbeen integrated into a mixed-signal PMIC, according to Dialog (Kirchheim-unter-Teck,Germany).

The ARM Cortex-M0 processor is the smallest and lowest powerARM core available. It is described as suitable for ultra low power MCU andmixed-signal applications.

"Through partnering with Dialog we have opened a brandnew application area for ARM processors in a smartphone or tablet design,"said Tudor Brown, president of ARM, in a statement issued by Dialog. "Dialog isat the forefront of highly integrated power management systems. I am convincedthat the availability of sophisticated ARM processor-based PMICs will make areal impact on the user experience delivered by next generation devices."

This story was originally posted by EETimes.
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