Australia-India automation and robotics collaboration


ABB, RMIT University and the ABB Corporate Research Centre will establish a new Australia-India Research Centre for Automation Software Engineering (AICAUSE).

The new facility at RMIT University will result in up to 300 highly skilled software engineering jobs, and is slated to become Australia’s centre of excellence in automation and robotics.

The centre will support ABB Australia and other businesses in sectors including advanced manufacturing, energy generation and distribution, utilities, building automation, and mining and natural resources.

Research laboratories at RMIT City Campus, ABB Notting Hill and ABB Bangalore will be linked up to form a virtual R&D laboratory supporting joint industry research collaboration, enabling the rotation of PhD students and researchers between industry and academia.

ABB Australia says the significant focus for it is on technologies that improve energy efficiency and address climate change, with Australia set to become the regional project execution centre in Asia for solar power projects, and Victoria to become the centre of expertise for intelligent building systems.