LONG BEACH, Calif. – The connector market is forecast to rebound from a 2.6 downturn in 2012 to a 4.2 percent uptick this year, according to a market research firm. Thanks to the broad use of connectors, the forecast is a good indicator of a modest but broad high tech recovery that parallels expected growth in semiconductors.
The forecast marks the first stable growth for the sector since the 2008 recession. “We are hoping we are now at the far end of the bath tub and will see a pretty good 2013,” said Bob Holt, director of product technology at market watcher Bishop & Associates Inc. (St. Charles, Ill.), speaking at the annual Embedded Technology Trends briefing here.
Hundreds of vendors make up the connector market, including many emerging manufacturers in China, but the top ten companies make up the brunt of sales, he said.

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