Yoshida in China: Managing Sino-U.S. disconnects


NEW YORK – Over the holidays, I had the pleasure of reading Raj Karamchedu’s book, "The Disconnect Patterns: Notes for Managing a U.S.-China High Technology Company."
If you happen to work for a "U.S.-China" technology company, Karamchedu's book should be required reading. Karamchedu defines such an enterprise as headquartered in the U.S. with a sizeable Chinese engineering and marketing team. It is driven to cultivate Chinese customers, although its business is not limited to China.

This is a familiar and growing model pursued by U.S. chip companies. As many companies are already finding out, it’s important to note that this template is fraught with "disconnects" between teams working in either side of the Pacific.

Karamchedu “how-to” approach eschews dispensing simple "answers" to each disconnect pattern. Instead, he shows readers how to recognize the dilemmas and work through them.