Recruitment firm to source staff for £108m electric battery industrialisation centre


Following a competitive tender process last Spring, engineering jobs experts Consilium Recruit has become a preferred recruitment partner for the UK Battery Industrialisation Centre (UKBIC).

This is a new facility which will open in Coventry next year and is looking to help turn the UK into a world leader in battery design, development and manufacture for the automotive sector.

The recruitment firm, headquartered in Stratford-upon-Avon, will help UKBIC build to a team of up to 95 professionals this year for the new Government-funded centre. This will include recruiting members of UKBIC’s leadership team, specialist managers, engineers, technicians and a range of support staff. The facility is led by Managing Director, Jeff Pratt.

Steve Doyle, director at Consilium Recruit said: “To have a facility like this in the heart of the Midlands is massive for the region. In the next 20 years the automotive sector will change beyond all recognition and battery innovation will play a key role in developing greener, more reliable vehicles.

“To make that ambition happen there is a big challenge ahead and that’s why we are looking for people who can bring skills and experiences from other high volume and automated manufacturing sectors such as FMCG, electronics and printing, not just automotive. The interest in these jobs has already been phenomenal and they are attracting first-rate talent, but we need more.”

The new centre is part of the Government’s £274 million Faraday Battery Challenge – a four-year commitment which aims to close the productivity and battery design gap between the UK and mainland Europe by 2025. It is being built in Coventry following a nationwide competition which was won through a joint bid by the Warwick Manufacturing Group at the University of Warwick, Coventry City Council, and the Coventry & Warwickshire Local Enterprise Partnership.