DesignSpark engineering community surpasses 750,000 members


DesignSpark was launched in 2010 to provide design engineers and students around the globe with free tools, resources and content to help them to remove barriers, save time and turn their ideas into reality.

“We would like to say a huge thank you to every single member of the DesignSpark community,” said Mike Bray, Vice President of DesignSpark. “There is a great feeling of togetherness within the community and it is great to see how engineers are able to support each other to achieve amazing things with the help of our tools and resources.

“Since day one, the aim of RS has been to give something back to the electronics industry through DesignSpark by providing free professional tools and resources for engineers around the world. We are proud to see the sustained rapid growth of DesignSpark and are committed to further enhancing our platform for the growing user base.”

During the nine years since it launched, RS says it has improved the functionality and range of resources available through the DesignSpark ecosystem. This has resulted in a large increase in new members, with more than 35% of DesignSpark’s current membership having joined over the past two years.

To celebrate this milestone of 750,000 members, DesignSpark ran a competition during January to win an engineering bundle worth more than £750, made up of products available from RS. The winner was DesignSpark member Nick Brown.