Worried about FaceTime eavesdropping bug? How to disable the app

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Worried about using FaceTime in light of a privacy bug confirmed by Apple? There is a way to disable the app.

On Monday, Apple acknowledged a bug with its video-calling app where users can eavesdrop on your conversations even if you don't answer the call. Apple has since disabled the app's group chat function.

The bug, which USA TODAY reported on Monday, involved starting a FaceTime call, swiping up to add a person then entering your own phone number. The move starts a group call and automatically answers the call for the first person, enabling someone to listen in without their knowledge.

In a statement to USA TODAY, Apple said it is "aware of this issue and we have identified a fix that will be released in a software update later this week."

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said in a statement people should disable the app until Apple fixes the issue.

Here's what to do if you own an Apple device if you want to shut off FaceTime:

For iOS devices (iPhones, iPads)

1. Go to Settings.

2. Scroll down to FaceTime.

3. Toggle the FaceTime switch off.

For Macs

1. Open the FaceTime app.

2. Scroll to FaceTime in the upper-left corner.

3. Select turn FaceTime off.

If you are considering a switch to another video calling app, there are several out there, including Microsoft's Skype, Google Duo and Facebook Messenger.

Explore further: iPhone FaceTime bug lets callers eavesdrop

More information: (c)2019 USA Today
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