Amy Farrah Fowler helps Texas Instruments teach


LONDON – Mayim Bialik, the Emmy-nominated actress who plays neurobiologist Amy Farrah Fowler on the television show The Big Bang Theory, is going to be doing teaching gigs at schools as part of working with Texas Instruments Inc. (Dallas, Texas).

Bialik is well qualified to teach because she holds a Ph.D in neuroscience from the University of California, Los Angeles, which she managed to study for while also maintaining a career as an actress with numerous TV and film roles.

Bialik has agreed to be the official TI spokeswoman for a math and science technology project and try to inspire students to pursue science, technology engineering and math (STEM) education and careers. In part she will do this by demonstrating math the on TI Nspire-CX graphing calculator.

Students, parents and educators from around the United States are invited to enter a Texas Instruments competition called "Take Mayim back to school." The winning school will receive in-person class instruction from Bialik. The competition runs through Sept. 30, 2012 and can be found on the TI Calculators Facebook page.

However, Bialik is already working with TI and has been saying how much she is enjoying it. In a Tweet posted one week ago she said: "How I love being spokeslady for Texas Instruments: meeting fantastic students, demo'ing w/ passionate teachers, love GEAR UP!" In another she said: "At NCCEP in DC. Just demo'd the TI n-spire to 100 awesome GEAR UP high schoolers. I love math and so do they. I so love working with TI!"

Mayim Bialik, actress, neuroscientist and educator

Related links and articles:

TI press release

Competition page

Mayam Bialik's home page