British national Lauri Love, who is accused of hacking into U.S. government computers, arrives for an extradition appeal hearing at the Royal Courts of Justice in London, Thursday, Nov. 30, 2017. Authorities in America have been fighting for Love to face trial on charges of cyber-hacking, which lawyers have said could mean a sentence of up to 99 years in prison if he is found guilty. (AP Photo/Frank Augstein) Judges in Britain have reserved judgment in the case of an alleged computer hacker who is accused of pilfering data from the U.S. Department of Defense, the Federal Reserve and the FBI.
Alleged hacker Lauri Love has challenged his extradition to the United States, where he faces 99 years in prison on cyber-hacking charges for allegedly compromising networks between October 2012 and October 2013 and stealing data.
His attorney, Edward Fitzgerald, says it would be "unjust and oppressive" to extradite him because of his severe mental disorders. Love suffers from Asperger's syndrome and a depressive illness.
The case is reminiscent of that of Gary McKinnon, another alleged cyber-hacker with Asperger syndrome who eventually managed to avoid extradition to the United States after a decade-long battle.
British national Lauri Love, who is accused of hacking into U.S. government computers, speaks to the media as he leaves the Royal Courts of Justice in London, Thursday, Nov. 30, 2017. Authorities in America have been fighting for Love to face trial on charges of cyber-hacking, which lawyers have said could mean a sentence of up to 99 years in prison if he is found guilty. (AP Photo/Frank Augstein)
Explore further: Britain approves extradition of alleged hacker to US